Feel good about the materials you use

Our plant-based raw materials are much more than just that.


XanoFiber™ can save our customers at least 20% in raw material costs over wood. To reduce transportation costs to customers’ facilities and minimize our carbon footprint, Hexas grows its XanoGrass™ near customers’ production locations. XanoGrass’™ low ecological demand and physical and mechanical characteristics work well in multiple applications and result in significant savings for our customers.


We believe in our farmers. By producing XanoGrass™ our farmers can produce a crop they can be proud of and one that will work for them for 15-20 years without a large annual investment of time and resources and at set year-over-year pricing. We are building long-term relationships with farmers to revitalize areas that can no longer support food crops. If you are interested in producing XanoGrass™, please contact us.


Whether it is substituting for, or supplementing, wood or non-wood biomass in energy production or products, XanoFiber™ can outperform these materials in multiple applications. For example, particle boards made with wood and XanoFiber™, or XanoFiber™ alone, perform as well as wood boards. XanoGrass™ outperforms other biomass crops in bioenergy and biofuel production as a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved bioenergy crop.


XanoGrass™ is perennial, fast growing, yields 20-35 dry tons of biomass per acre year-over-year, is highly pest resistant, grows in different climates and soil types, tolerates drought, and requires less land that almost all other dedicated biomass crops for production. Our XanoGrass™ sequesters substantial carbon both above and below ground and is a nitrogen fixer. Hexas can grow our Xano Grass™ in most soil types, including on high salinity, marginal, and contaminated land. 


A single XanoGrass™ rhizome can produce stalks for 20+ years. We plant it once and leave it with minimal maintenance and no tilling after establishment. This leaves the carbon sequestered by XanoGrass™ in the soil.

good for the soil, good for the earth

XanoGrass™ can be used for bioremediation to remove chemicals and heavy metals from soil. It is a nitrogen fixer and adds nutrients to depleted soil so that it can be used for food production or return to its native state.